
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fartless Baby Diaper Acid

I arrived to the skatepark in Kuna, ID shortly after the locals had finished burning a pile of soiled diapers in the deep bowl...
2 Pounds of Idaho Fartless Pinto Beans circa 1986.
NDN ya whip

New tat before color
New tat color
Ty Segall & Co.
Bill family 1988
Ty Segall drew on my vinyl. EAT ACID.

The NDN facebook statistics...pretty weak number of likes but at least we've got one (1) english pirate fan.

'LIKE' The NDN on facebook at!/pages/The-NDN/197020787013540


  1. holy shit, your sister looks the EXACTLY the same...

    so do you baby bill...

    also your bother still looks like he could kick every things ass

  2. oh yeh bb, kyooooona park burns diapers all dey
