
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dan Dickerson is flying into town tomorrow for some business.

We'll be out filming for our parts in that Daaayshapes so hit us up if you want to blade!


  1. ERIK!! I started blading about a month ago, and i have razors g5's. I love these blades my first pair ever. but i hate how tall they are! are the newer sl models (bambrick, aragon 4's) any lower? or more padded so i can have my buckles a little more loose? bcuz i'm having a hard time with grove tricks and getting the backslides down on farvs and royales. your input would be amazing.

    p.s all you guys at the ndn are sick!! hope to blade with you soon!!

  2. sick man, those are sweet blades!

    my 2 favorite skates i've ever had are actually the bambrick's and aragon 4's. The SL series is literally perfect. I ride my skates really really tight. i'd say just do what feels comfy for you but the more you can bend down your knees rather than your ankles....that's the way to do it! just stay right above your feet and squat.

    thanks dude, come skate anytime!

  3. thanks man!! i'll keep that in mind learning my topsides!! thats the hardest for me! o and spinning haha but i'm sure i'm pushing myself a little harder than i should be for only being on them a month haha.
    well i just ordered all my new parts so i'll be blading alot more!
    thanks again!

  4. no prob dude, hopefully see you around!
